Thursday, January 19, 2012

Monday Mail

Let me introduce myself.... I'm that person that small town post offices hate. I have a mailbox in the front of my house. My post office offers PO boxes. We've been getting our mail held at the post office for as long as I can remember. Approximately 3 times a week my loving Mother makes her way to the post office to pick up our mail... is it the social connection that drives her to the post office? Does she not trust the mail lady to deliver our essential mail, which includes bank statements, catalogs from Bass Pro Shop, Christmas cards and baby shower invites?! One may never know.... But I know that I can trust the post master of the Dornsife Post Office with my essential mail-- My monthly subscriptions to Birchbox, Bazaar, and Marie Claire. And yes, I'm convinced she reads the magazines during her lunch. The ripped open perfume samples gives her away... but I'm not mad.
This brings me to my stack of Monday mail...
-Bills (boo on adulthood)/ automatic payment reminders (thank you adulthood)/ student loan nonsense (thousands of dollars for 4 years of Natural Ice and cheap vodka)
- February Bazaar - SCORE
- January Birchbox- Double SCORE
- And this interesting bit of mail- a bankruptcy notice for bankruptcy court?! What the hell?!
One of my best qualities is that I'm childless and alone... aka single. Like 100%. I've found my life is much more complete when I'm happy then trying to make someone else happy. Things that make me happy- make up, skin care products, candy, money, and tanning. In August 2011, I was the darkest I've ever been in my life. I had a great tanning salon that I visited almost daily.... partly for the social impact it caused on my life as I was able to keep up with the dramatics of high school and the "who's sleeping with who's husband" dramatics of "the nice part" of Harrisburg. My skin glowed and was the color of a light skinned Moroccan, I barely had acne, and I swear I looked 15 lbs lighter! Then a friend of mine received news *gasp* of a potentially cancerous mole.... No no no! It was just a scare, but nontheless, I decided to cool it on the tanning and switched a self tanners and bronzers.
Remember that bankruptcy notice from Monday? It was my great tanning salons way of informing their clients that they're infact, bankrupt. Do I fault myself for not supporting my local business? What kind of "loyal" customer, am I? Did my lack of $60 a month really contribute to the loss of another small business? One may never know, but I know one thing, I'm the color of a Scandanavian with the acne break out of a 15 year old....
To my tanning salon... Good Luck and thank you for keeping me beautiful xox